بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

Update from ICT Masjid Al-Qassam 4/2/2021

اللهم بلغنا رمضان
تقبل الله طاعاتكم وكل عام وأنتم بخير
O Allah, let us reach the Month of Ramadan.
صلاة التراويح في مسجد القسام الساعة ٩:١٥ يوميًا.
Taraweeh prayers at ICT Masjid Al-Qassam at 9:15 daily. We encourage everyone to get vaccinated.
تكفل إفطار صائم…. ب ٢٥٠٠ *دولار يوميًا
Sponsor Iftaar day at ICT for only $2,500.00

Al-Hamdolillah we have distributed over 50,000 food packages this pandemic year.

We will start Ramadan Distribution of dates, water, lintel, sanitizer, and masks. 4/10/21 2-5 pm for the next five weeks.
Also, Restaurant vouchers for students ONLY (Must have a student ID) starting
Saturday, April 10th 2-5 pm Masjid drive-thru for the next five weeks

Special thanks to our volunteers.
Special thanks to our generous donors.
HNF@COVID-19-ALERT-ICT-Ramadan 2021.

Volunteers are needed Thursday and Friday, April 8th and 9th, 2021

تصدقوا على مرضاكم، امواتكم واموات المسلمين في هذه الايام الفضيلة تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال.

To continue your appreciated donations and zakat please visit Our PayPal link:
